
Welcome to my Blog. My adventure in 21st century. - Melanie Hickerson

Monday, August 17, 2015


Mom loved to go watch the grackles flock for the night. We would find a location then at sunset or so, drive there and watch the raucous thousands descending on some poor shopping center. The roar and the acrobatic ballet, seemingly perfectly choreographed. In her growing dementia, she took joy in spotting birds by the roadside or in our yard. When she moved to the nursing home, my brother Riley installed two feeders outside her window which I fed daily. Mom's gone but I still feed the birds at the nursing home. Residents and staff wave and greet me. The sky dancers magically riding the wind, landing and leaving on telepathic cues. 
GOLDEN CHEEK WARBLER, 22" x 28", acrylic on canvas

GRACKLE, SUNFLOWER, BEES 4" x 4", acrylic on canvas

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

LEAVING THE CITY, 36" x 24", acrylic on canvas
The Google self-drive car is in my neighborhood. I've seen it 4 or 5 times. That started me to thinking about changes.This is my painting about dramatic changes. Leaving one place for another. 

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


DOLL AND WALL, 30" x 24"
Looking through old photographs and notes, I found a note that I had done over 150 paintings with cinderblocks as an element. I painted a lot of dolls, too. Metaphors.